Monday, October 7, 2013

Furlogue-Day 39

Oh, no wait, it’s only Day 6. I have quickly adopted the ways of those retired people who completely lose track of time, they never know the day of the week and sometimes are hard pressed to tell you what month it is. My sole prompt that it was Monday morning was that the Prince had to be awakened for school.
The Basket

It was a good morning for filing and running, I thought. By 8:30 I had the bed covered in paperwork I had thrown into a basket for the past 10 months. I like to let it pile up and then eventually organize it and put it in files. None of this pay-the-bill-and-immediately-file-the paperwork-thing for me. I need the basket to reach overload.

Running Like Gump
Then I went for a run and it was cool and raining lightly so I was having a good time, a Forrest Gump kind of run, I could easily have run into the next state. Usually I am more like Forrest Lump. But I had my iPhone with me and first it beeped to provide me with the National Weather Service alert of a “SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING.” I carried on, bravely clutching the metal keys in my hand.  Then it beeped again with the NWS issuing a TORNADO WATCH.  Real buzz kill that 411-911 feature.

So I came home and had to wash and dry my own hair. The Dry Bar, as the name indicates, only guarantees its product until your hair encounters moisture of any kind, sweat, showers, rain. If you go to Dry Bar and then go out in the rain, it is the same as digging around in your purse after a new manicure.

In addition to drying my own hair I made a new batch of granola for the week.

Sometimes it gets a little “Down on the Prairie-ish” around here.


  1. Um a little but I don't think you'll be the next Pioneer woman.

    Take that back, depends on how long the furlough lasts.

    Wagon ho.

    xo J

  2. Have you looked in to a weaving class yet?
